Kind Request for Donations

01. Alternative  Knowledge Base/Gamage Consultations:

The service by initiating and maintaining of the free AlternativeKnowledge Base for the world public has been continued since 2009 by the website which is  also famous as ‘gamage consultations’ as a nonprofit organization.

Main Objectives :

1.    The long process of ‘Intellectual Property Coverage’ for inventions as a whole,deprives the new knowledge from the world public for several years or perhaps forever if the patents fail to earn the intended  market. Therefore all of my patented inventions and innovative technical ideas have been exposed in the website for the world public without holding any royalty or coverage.

2.    Being a Liberal Explorer from the childhood, I have challenged the century’s late faulty theorizations conserved in the acceptance and introduced several theoretical findings in Physics as a whole, to be exposed for the science community in the aim of building up alternative ‘New Angles of Knowledge’ forthe future generations to challenge the ‘unfiltered world knowledge bases’.

All the expenses for developing and maintaining of the website so far are however difficultly met by my poor salary earned by working asan Engineer.

Not only Money, but the commitment paid (not only myself but my beloved family, in saving time even during nights) for creating ‘New Angles of Knowledge’ for the world, could never be paid back.

Several times my website has expired without money to pay. I hope things would run from bad to worse with my forthcoming due retirement from the job.

02.Nonacademic University for Fundamental Studies:

      I am also in the determination to start a Nonacademic University in an isolatedhill top locality in the charming upcountry environment in Sri Lanka for interested world public and Researchers to study New Angles of Knowledge.

Neither academic markup qualification nor age limit is considered forthe entry and researches can be conducted by individuals or set groups upon the themes based on the vast field domain of Physics, Philosophy, Cosmollogy and ReligiousPhilosophy.

Concepts, Hypotheses and Theories in so far accumulated world knowledge base conserved as the Acceptance, can be tested, challenged either experimentally, mathematically or logically by suggesting new optional angles but being limited in the prime scope that “ nothing should affect ‘Global Peace’ among Nations, Cultures and Religions”.

Diversity in Nations, Cultures and Religions is highly treated as treasures from the past to be conserved for studies for the future generations to come. 

03. DIYASADANA (Making Water for Habitats):

Majority of the world public is suffering without access for safe Drinking Water and hence succumbed to many health hazards. Specially the rural communities living in semiarid zonal regions get kidney deceases by drawing water from deep wells and contaminated boggy water bodies.

Research, designing, implementation and turnover evaluation of some innovative technologies of ‘Natural Water Purification’has been organized to establish as pilot projects in the kidney trouble recorded rural areas in Sri Lanka. Technologies are exposed freely consulted for the Global Public without reserving any patent royalties. 

04. Donor Certification:

Donations over $50 are Certificated back by the ‘Gamage Consultations’ (through e-mail) and shall be highly recognized in future as the pioneers of the ‘Reformation Era’ on the GLOBE.


Cyril H Thalpe Gamage
