(Published as a book)
World Sciences’ in 21st Century, are being reached to summits but leaving lots of voids and gaps or otherwise how could such sweet natural things like Wind, Water, Land etc. could disguise all at once as disastrous Tornados, Tsunamis and landslides to kill thousands of unprepared people?
Besides that, even existing technologies are not easily accessible for the general public who are directly exposed to danger with no knowledge of disastrous situations and remedial measures to take upon their safety.
This monograph introduces an innovative technology to detect landslides more easily and simply to be a measure of proactive disaster management. There is a box in Attachment-1 to feed your data of a susceptible steep slope or a bare earth cut and you would get by the box, the information such as; angle of slip plane, critical depth of slip plane, weight of sliding earth and critical depth for a vertical earth bank cut.