Kind Request for Donations
01. Alternative Knowledge Base/Gamage Consultations:
The service by initiating and maintaining of the free AlternativeKnowledge Base for the world public has been continued since 2009 by the website which is also famous as ‘gamage consultations’ as a nonprofit organization.
Main Objectives :
1. The long process of ‘Intellectual Property Coverage’ for inventions as a whole,deprives the new knowledge from the world public for several years or perhaps forever if the patents fail to earn the intended market. Therefore all of my patented inventions and innovative technical ideas have been exposed in the website for the world public without holding any royalty or coverage.
2. Being a Liberal Explorer from the childhood, I have challenged the century’s late faulty theorizations conserved in the acceptance and introduced several theoretical findings in Physics as a whole, to be exposed for the science community in the aim of building up alternative ‘New Angles of Knowledge’ forthe future generations to challenge the ‘unfiltered world knowledge bases’.
All the expenses for developing and maintaining of the website so far are however difficultly met by my poor salary earned by working asan Engineer.
Not only Money, but the commitment paid (not only myself but my beloved family, in saving time even during nights) for creating ‘New Angles of Knowledge’ for the world, could never be paid back.
Several times my website has expired without money to pay. I hope things would run from bad to worse with my forthcoming due retirement from the job.
02.Nonacademic University for Fundamental Studies:
I am also in the determination to start a Nonacademic University in an isolatedhill top locality in the charming upcountry environment in Sri Lanka for interested world public and Researchers to study New Angles of Knowledge.
Neither academic markup qualification nor age limit is considered forthe entry and researches can be conducted by individuals or set groups upon the themes based on the vast field domain of Physics, Philosophy, Cosmollogy and ReligiousPhilosophy.
Concepts, Hypotheses and Theories in so far accumulated world knowledge base conserved as the Acceptance, can be tested, challenged either experimentally, mathematically or logically by suggesting new optional angles but being limited in the prime scope that “ nothing should affect ‘Global Peace’ among Nations, Cultures and Religions”.
Diversity in Nations, Cultures and Religions is highly treated as treasures from the past to be conserved for studies for the future generations to come.
03. DIYASADANA (Making Water for Habitats):
Majority of the world public is suffering without access for safe Drinking Water and hence succumbed to many health hazards. Specially the rural communities living in semiarid zonal regions get kidney deceases by drawing water from deep wells and contaminated boggy water bodies.
Research, designing, implementation and turnover evaluation of some innovative technologies of ‘Natural Water Purification’has been organized to establish as pilot projects in the kidney trouble recorded rural areas in Sri Lanka. Technologies are exposed freely consulted for the Global Public without reserving any patent royalties.
04. Donor Certification:
Donations over $50 are Certificated back by the ‘Gamage Consultations’ (through e-mail) and shall be highly recognized in future as the pioneers of the ‘Reformation Era’ on the GLOBE.
Cyril H Thalpe Gamage
There are some opportunities for the capable investors who are interested in participation for Experimental Demonstration of Inventions and introducing them towards the industrial need orientation. There are two categories of opportunities such as;
1)- Demonstration of new Theoretical findings and promote them towards Practice
2)-Promoting of the already patented inventions toward the Market
The subject content available in the background physics of the natural phenomenon ‘Photoelectric Effect’ is found erroneous and hence this letter is to submit a different dimension of the phenomenon.
What is wrong with the prevailing definition?
Light Photons are said to be absorbed by the electrons and energized electrons are projected out from metallic surfaces.
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If carefully studied, Moon dynamics reveals lots of hidden secrets in the past and also help in forecasting of the future. This letter focuses Lunar Dynamics at first with an analysis of ‘how lunar orbital motion is energized by spinning of Earth’. Secondly, the forthcoming danger of ‘Dark Moon Doomsday Departure’ is introduced. Thirdly, the new theory of ‘Origin of Moon by Earth Bang’ is introduced with adequate proofs, declaring the challenge to the famous ‘Giant Impaction Theory’. Finally, the age of Moon is addressed giving some important clues for an accurate analysis.
It is observed that lunar studies nowadays have been focused mainly upon common astronomical features of shallow depths such as observation of colors at eclipses etc. There is no harm if things have been so calmly rotating at Uniform speed forever as set out at the Origin. But things of Nature are badly at change and hence Scientists of the era, have got to focus more deep things than colors. Leap days and leap years could not have come at all, if the Nature of Lunar Dynamics is to conserve Uniformity.
The paper is therefore to focus Formation of Moon in the aim to foresee of a forthcoming Danger.
Light is accepted in the background art as an Electromagnetic Radiation.
‘Light is electromagnetic radiation within a certain portion of the electromagnetic spectrum. The word usually refers to visible light, which is visible to the human eye and is responsible for the sense of sight.[1] Visible light is usually defined as having wavelengths in the range of 400–700 nanometres (nm), or 4.00 × 10−7 to 7.00 × 10−7 m, between the infrared (with longer wavelengths) and the ultraviolet (with shorter wavelengths).[2][3] This wavelength means a frequency range of roughly 430–750 terahertz (THz)’.
(With gratitude to the world best knowledge base WIKIPEDIA)
Light is a line projection of energy particles (Photons) shot out by Skin Diffusion of moving electrons.
High rise column buildings in megacities createa deathtrap upon the urban community because the buildings are not designed safe against the massive lateral force ‘Seismic Impulse’.
Earth quake born medium waves make the land oscillate laterally and an impulsive force is applied at the center of gravity of the building to fall it in the direction where the wave comes from.
If = -M V2/λ where ‘V’ is velocity of the P-wave, ‘λ’ is the stroke length of the horizontal ground oscillation (amplitude of the related S-wave) and ‘M’ is the weight of the building.
The impulsive force is deduced such as;
If the entire building could gain the same velocity of the wave stroke, within the short time gap, thence there is no building failure at all. Then the impulsive force is the change of momentum of the building during the short time gap. But if the building is unable to move with the stroke, then the same force is acting in negative direction, upon the center of gravity to fail the building structure.
5. Theory of Solar Mass Transplantation/2015
‘Productive Planets’ like Earth are spinning about the magnetic polar axis. They absorb ‘Energy’ from ‘Solar Wind’ to rotate. Lightning strokes give evidence to prove ‘External Energy Absorption’ by Earth. Energy is ‘Mass’ with no arguments [E=mc2]and hence the planet is being grown by mass and size with time.
The natural phenomena well explained by the new theory:
•Global slowing in spinning speed
•Departing of Moon from Earth
•Expanding of gaps between tectonic plates
•Production of hydrogen, oxygen, carbon, water, hydrocarbon, and all the geo materials within the globe itself
Theory of Gravity Momentum:-
In consideration of any two-party Gravitational System at linear or angular Dynamic state, Gravity Momentum of either party is equal.
Importance of the Theory:-
Pluto-Charon couple, living far end of the solar system is the only exemplary exhibition as a proof of the new theory because other couples are moreover disturbed by interference of a third party gravitational field. But the degree of deviation from the theory tells us a different story of the past and future of any two party gravitational dynamic rotary systems.
Theory of Gravity Deviation:-
Influence direction of Gravitational Wave is deviated when the gravity source is at motion
Importance of the Theory:-
Dynamic stability in orbital motion of planets could be explained explicitly by this theory with introduction of the ‘Orbital Motive Force’ upon mathematical force balancing with ‘Space resistance’ against motion of planets. The most argumentative phenomenon, ‘Precession in orbital motion of planets’, also explained by the theory.
Theory of Solar Equatorial Plane:-
Any tilted orbit in the Solar System is gradually settled down on to the solar equatorial plane due to the lateral force component applied by solar Gravity Deviation.
Importance of the Theory:-
How almost all the planets are settled down upon a single plane, is explained by this theory.
‘Space Matter’ is organized as an observable dynamic gathering, by flowing of the ‘Energy Matter’ in-between absolute zero and infinity along the 4th dimension.
Importance of the Theory:-
Formation and energy consumed functioning of Galaxies (expanding or contracting), Stars (emerging or dying), Planets (of Electromagnetic spinning) and Atoms (the highly dynamic rotary systems) could be explained by this theory.
The Mechanism of Gravity (to be an appendix to Sir. Isaac Newton’s theory):-
Gravity is born due to a FM wave through the space medium transmitted due to vibration of atomic mass. Any secondary atomic mass in the field responds to the wave, through induced attraction within. The attraction is but Coulombs’ electromagnetic force unbalance, due to eccentricity occurred in the direction from where the wave attacks.
11. Theory of Static Work Done
12. Theory of Action & Perpendicular Reaction
Need for Contributory Involvements
The service by initiating and maintaining of the Alternative Knowledge Base open for the world public, continued since 2009 by the website which is also famous as ‘gamageconsultatation’ as a nonprofit single owner organization.
1. The long term procedure of ‘Intellectual Property Coverage’ for inventions as a whole,deprives the new knowledge from the world public, for several years or perhaps forever if the patents fail to earn the intended market. Therefore all of my patented and pending patent inventions and innovative theoretical findings as well are freely exposedfor the world public by ‘gamage consultations’.
2. Being a Liberal Explorer from the childhood, I have challenged the century’s late faulty theories in the conserved stock of the acceptance and introduced several alternative theoretical findings in the subject field of Physics as a whole, to be exposed for the world science community in the aim of building up alternative ‘Scope of Knowledge’ forthe future generations.
Majority of the world public is suffering without access for safe Drinking Water and hence succumbed to related health hazards. Specially the rural communities living in semiarid zonal regions get kidney deceases by drawing water from deep wells and contaminated stagnant water bodies.
Research, designing, implementation and turnover evaluation of some innovative technologies of ‘Natural Water Purification’ has been organized to establish as pilot projects in the kidney trouble recorded rural areas in Sri Lanka. Technologies are exposed free for the Global Public without reserving any patent royalties.
All the expenses for developing and maintaining of the website so far,are difficultly met with my meager incomeasan Engineer.Not only Money, but the commitment paid (not only myself but my beloved family), in saving time even during nights, for creating ‘New Angles of Knowledge’ for the world, could never be paid back. Several times my website has expired being unable to make due payments. I hope things would run from bad to worse with my due retirement from the job in few months.
02. Research Guidance in the focus of Advancement of Science of the 21st Century:
1) Demonstration of a miniature model to exhibit Mechanism of Gravitational attraction.
2) Analysis of frequency of the gravitational waves.
3) Demonstration of Static Work by Gravity.
4) Lifting water by ‘Gravitational Static Work’ by a practical model to prove the theory of ‘Mountain Fountain’.
5) Demonstration of ‘Moola Gravity’ (the gravity of the dropped scale of Matter)and analysis for the inner atomic medium properties.
6) Practical proof for the Medium Matter (vacuum).
7) Practical analysis to derive mass of a photon.
8) …………
03. Good will for the Future.
Our endeavors through Experimental, Mathematical, Logical and Deductive approachesin Exploration for the Reality would certainly be highly recognized in Future.
Hence, the well-wishers shall receive a signed receipt certificate of Gratitude to appreciate their contribution to be pioneers of the Reformation Age.
Cyril H Thalpe Gamage
Name : C H T Gamage
Account Number : 1290047948
Bank : Commercial Bank of Ceylon PLC
Branch : Battaramulla
Please inform us by a mail of you willingly contribution to following e-mail addresses.
Editor : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
4. Confidential Guidance for an Invention